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Logo Blood Ravens This article, Crescent Elites, was written by Lune Crackham. Please do not edit or 'acquire' this fiction without the writer's permission.
200px-ADEPTUS MECHANICUS SYMBOL This article, Crescent Elites, is currently under active construction. The author, Lune Crackham, apologizes for the inconvenience.
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"You see, the Imperium has the Space Marines to fight, our brother and sister units to protect, and us to make sure that they hear everything. Stand tall, men and women of the Imperium! For you have been trained to fight, hear and resist. You, from this moment forward, are united with a bond. A bond that shall help you fight even the most fierce beast of chaos! Look to the people around you, look into their eyes, when you waver, because from now and on you are The Crescent Elites, and fear is your puppet!"
―Lune Crackham, acting commander of The Crescent Elites, during the "Redemption" of a unit.

The Crescent Elites are a newly built Imperial Guard Regiment, constituted to act as the "front line intelligence operatives" for the Imperium of Man. Actually a unit hidden from most of their brothers and sisters, The Crescent Elites act as covert operatives embedded on Imperial territory. They usually prefer to stand back and let the Space Marines do the work. However, should they be forced to fight, they are known to impress even some Chapter Masters. The Imperium uses them as intelligence operatives, so they do not posses the traditional equipment of their brothers and sisters. They use light armor, classic bolters, sniper rifles and "hard hitting guns like heavy Stubbers" (should they enter a conflict). They deploy in the form of a crescent to flank and, should the chance present itself, to surround the enemy from all sides.

Charges of Heresy

The Crescent Elites are believed to be one of the most loyal servants of the Emperor of Mankind. However, some accounts state that they do not believe the Emperor of Mankind is a god. In fact, some "anonymous tips" suggest that The Crescent Elites only revere him as a great hero, but are rumored to refuse his ascension to godhood and believe a religion that was destroyed by the Emperor of Mankind right before the start of the Great Crusade. That's why they were accused with heresy "twice" and the Inquisition dispatched forces to investigate. However, none of these "anonymous tips" had concrete evidence to support them so, at the moment, they are cleared from all these charges and continue to serve the Imperium of Man with honor. It is even suspected that these rumors were spread to dissolve The Crescent Elites or damage their reputation permanently.

The Redemption And Organization

Insignia Crescent

The "insignia" used by The Crescent Elites.

" Their fears, regrets, decisions and all the crimes they might have comitted against The Imperium are slammed on to their face, thus creating a completely unknown, personal test for them to complete."
Acting Commander Lune Crackham, to Lord-Protector Kür-shad, when asked about "The Redemption".

The Crescent Elites are divided into 200 person groups called "Bolter Shells". There are presumed to be around 100 of these shells, each having a different mission. Every member of these "Bolter Shells" are chosen randomly. However, Acting Commander Lune states that they put different personalities together to increase close cooperation and teamwork. After a lot of training, tests, exams and missions with their "supervisors", those shells that pass and acquire more than a "required score" go through their "Redemption" and get deployed. The Redemption is the final test, "the final restriction within a human's mind.". Each Redemption is unique and thus, completely flexible. It is said that this test starts with drinking a vial and then, what happens is completely special to that person. If someone fails their Redemption (which happens very rarely), the one who fails is granted a quick death because of a side effect of the liquid inside the vial. Moreover, the remaining soldiers in the entire shell is decommissioned, dispersed and mixed with the next upcoming shells. After their Redemption, these men and women are rumored to lose interest in all humanly desires, personal wishes and mortal pleasures. They commit themselves to The Imperium and The Emperor only. However, they do not get separated from all the living world and turn into soulless machines. Their ability to think freely and sense of honor, along with many other feelings, are preserved and sometimes, get enhanced.


Armor improved

Types of "Formal" outfits worn by The Crescent Elites. These uniforms are only worn when there is a formal event to attend or a formal meeting with the Acting Commander.

Because their units are tasked with infiltration and espionage rather than a direct fight, there is no official uniform they wear except their formal outfit. However, these outfits are worn only during the redemption of that specific shell and if that soldier is called to an important ceremony. During major battles, in fact, they apply their "insignia" like a tattoo to whatever uniform they are wearing. Their insignia is like a different model of their flag, which also helps them to recognize each other with ease. However, if two different shells meet somewhere in the battlefield, it is rumored that they ask each other "quick questions" to verify their allegiance.


Recent studies indicate that The Crescent Elites are actually chosen and start getting trained from birth, not conscripted. It is suspected that they are trained by a loyalist squad of Alpha Legion that might have survived the Horus Heresy, however, these theories are not believed by many. The most important fact about them is that they are always chosen from people living on Holy Terra, no matter the background of their families or the influence they posses. There are a lot of rumors about their training, but the way they fight and act proves one thing: Their training is brutal. However, the result of their training bears fruit, for they posses the ability to fight on any terrain, be it a cold wasteland or a harsh mountain world. The Crescent Formation is also considered one of the most efficient strategies existing within the Imperium of Man, but it has to be executed at the right moment and requires perfectly disciplined units to do so. That's why they are the only Imperial Guard regiment that can execute it as it should be.


"Commissars? They are nothing but a group of rich kids who execute soldiers only to satisfy their useless ego. These men and women, however, are not rich kids anymore. They might be called commissars, but you have nothing to fear as they are not a gun in the back, but rather a hand waiting to lift you up if you falter."
―Sergeant Major Carl, to a new recruit during a battle.

The Crescent Elites, like all Astra Militarum regiments, have commissars. These commissars, however, are handpicked by the "Bolter" and are given a secondary training to make them accustomed to the shells they will command. These commissars are also obliged to go through their own "Redemption". According to the reports in the hands of Officio Prefectus, these commissars rarely execute their assigned troops, only upon a treasonous act or confirmed heresy. The Officio Prefectus did nothing against these actions, primarily because the path taken by a commissar is not important if the result is as demanded. In the eyes Officio Prefectus, these Commissars are serving the Emperor as they should, for the discipline of the soldiers under their command are not only exemplary, but also inspirational.


Lune Crackham During a Shell Meeting

Lune Crackham and Sergeant Major Carl during a formal meeting with the 37th Shell. From left to right: Acting Commander (Colonel) Lune Crackham, Sergeant Major Carl and Sergeant Michael.

The Crescent Elites excel at cunning operations and wars of attrition. That is why they are rarely seen in war zones. The Dark Crusade proves their supremacy in stealth as they were the agents that helped their brothers and sisters to gain a foothold on the planet and ultimately, the establishment of Victory Bay. However, their failure to defend it against the Space Marines and the other threats embedded on Kronus left a dark scar on The Crescent Elites and many soldiers still hold a grudge against the Blood Ravens even today for their ultimate defeat. Kronus campaign also resulted with The Crescent Elites being reformed by their new Acting Commander who invented the "Redemption" and increased the number of the bolter shells they had.

Should the enemy be heavily armed, they also use the heavy armor of their enemies against them, pinning them down on one spot and taking them out by circling or running around their cover, ensuring their death before they gain a chance to move. Light armored enemies, however, require a more direct approach. Since the enemy is hard to pin down, they either lash out in hopes of a close combat, or make use of their long range weapons, taking the enemy down without getting in their weapon range. Some civilians who saw the way they fight described them as "The dagger of the Emperor", attributed to their size and lethal skills.


The Crescent Elites are not issued with the classic equipment of their brother and sister units. They use a wide range of weaponry, from sniper rifles to bolt pistols, melta guns, lasguns, plasma cannons, heavy stubbers, almost all types of melee weaponry, autoguns and shotguns. The shells are trained with most of the weapons The Imperium uses, however, it is possible to specialize a shell to use a single type of weapon. For example, the 44th shell is called, among their fellow shells, "Shell Flashlight", mocking the fact that the entire shell is specialized in the use of lasguns.

Relics Of The Regiment

It is unusual for an Astra Militarum regiment to have relics, however, The Crescent Elites are no ordinary regiment. That's why they also have relics and important artifacts.

Order and Authority

Lune Crackham, wielding the Spear of Order and Authority.

  • The Spear Of Order And Authority: The spear that is currently wielded by Acting Commander Lune Crackham, much to the disgust of the inquisition. The spear is said to be a singing spear which is acquired from a farseer that Lune Crackham defeated in planet Meridian when he, along with his sister Miri Crackham, rallied the Imperial Guard defending the palace of the governor and crushed the eldar forces assaulting it to assassinate the planetary governor. However, the Imperial Archives contain no such information about the spear and the origins of it remain known only to Lune Crackham. The spear is powered with psychic energy and according to Lune Crackham, only beings gifted with an enormous amount of knowledge can make it function properly, However, none can truly reveal all of the secrets it possesses. It creates a huge impact that can even push wraithlords back if the blunt side of the weapon is smashed to the ground. Also, a crimson crystal shines brightly at the top of the spear and grants various abilities to the wielder. However, these abilities change if the owner changes as well. At the hands of the current owner of this spear, the sharp side of the spear can get ignited via unknown ways and burn the enemies of the wielder, if the wielder wills it. This crystal on top of the spear is also the only reason why the weapon can not be corrupted by the foul entities of the warp and it can be used by non-psykers.
    Alexius Kazanov-0

    A pict-capture of Alexius Kazanov in battle while wielding his famous sword, The Edge of Justice.

  • The Edge Of Justice: The famous sword of Hero-Commandant Alexius Kazanov himself. It is rumored that this very weapon was forged by an iron father of the Iron Hands space marine chapter when Alexius Kazanov saved the iron father from certain doom and holding him alive enough for imperial forces to arrive. The sword is rumored to shine brightly, even bright enough to the point where it temporarily blinds the beasts and soldiers of chaos. The sword also channels a strange form of energy, rumored to drain the energy within the enemies of the wielder and utilize their life force against them. The origins of the material used to craft this sword is not known even by Lune Crackham. The sword was taken by Blood Ravens at the end of Kronus Campaign, found on the exact position where Alexius Kazanov sacrificed himself to make sure Lune survived, near his lifeless body. However, after this act, the soldiers who wielded this sword never managed to channel that energy which Alexius Kazanov once did with ease. The sword was later reacquired by The Crescent Elites and is currently at the hands of an "associate of Lune Crackham".

Notable Shells


Notable Campaigns

  • ?.M41 The Kronus Campaign: The Kronus campaign is the first crushing defeat The Crescent Elites suffered. The regiment was deployed on Kronus, a world controlled by the Tau Empire and beset by all types of xenos, from Orks to Eldar. This was problem enough for Senatorum Imperialis and they decided that the planet would be better under Imperial rule. So they sent The Crescent Elites to ensure that the Imperial Guard would establish a foothold on the planet without heavy casualties. What ensured the death of all the shells on Kronus (only half of the 4th shell survived and left the sector with the second-in command Lune Crackham) and the uncountable amount of Imperial Guard forces was the deployment of the Blood Ravens on the sector. When only the Imperial Guard and the Blood Ravens were left on the planet, the end was inevitable: one side had to win the war. When it became clear that there would be a war, Hero-Commandant Alexius Kazanov openly pledged his aid to the Imperial Guard forces on Kronus, and secretly ordered all the shells in the planet to do recon missions on Blood Ravens territory. The fight dragged both Lune and Alexius to the front lines and they arrived on Kronus to aid their shells and help Governor-Militant Lukas Alexander to win the fight. The Imperial Guard ultimately lost and Alexius Kazanov gave his life to save his young second-in-command.
  • ?.M41 First Aurelian Crusade: While the First Aurelian Crusade was raging, Lune Crackham tasked the 22nd shell with scouting the area and determining the seriousness of the Ork WAAAGH!. However, only one soldier returned from this simple task in a small ship which he had stolen from the Blood Ravens chapter. The brave soldier managed to tell Lune Crackham the grave threat that approached as he died in his hands. The Tyranids had attacked the 22nd shell and quickly exterminated them. Lune Crackham, alongside 10 shells, from the 1st to 11th, and Miri, who volunteered to examine the Tyranids, set out to Sub-Sector Aurelia to push the Hive Fleet back.The Crescent Elites arrived on the sub-sector on a critical time as the Tyranids started to assault Meridian, capital of the sub-sector. The Crescent Elites' and their new Acting Commander played an important role during the first siege of Angel Forge, by rallying the remaining Imperial Guard forces back into battle. Miri Crackham also helped the Blood Ravens Apothecary Gordian in making the bio-toxin necessary to destroy the Hive Fleet Leviathan.
  • ?.M41 Second Aurelian Crusade: When Aurelia emerged from the warp and the forces of Chaos assaulted the Aurelian Sub-Sector, The Crescent Elites were called to war again. Launching a secondary campaign, Lune Crackham took 24 shells stationed in the Sub-Sector to combat the heretics invading the planet. He personally prepared the defense plan to protect Meridian. However, due to a fatal mistake in it, the enemy managed to destroy the right flank of the defense force and enormous casualties were sustained. Miri then presented a solution to fix the plan and the Imperial Guard in the planet managed to hold the Palace of the Governor under their control. Their losses were acceptable at this point only because of the clever solution Miri presented. When the chaos space marines arrived, however, the enemy successfully smashed through their defenses and assaulted the Palace. The Crescent Elites held their ground and, at the cost of enormous casualties, managed to keep the chaos out of the palace until the Blood Ravens arrived. Heavily injured and knocked out, Lune Crackham was forced to stay away from active duty for a month. Though he did not suffer any wound that caused him to wear any implants, the pain the colonel suffered was not a small one. Leaving itself as a black mark in their regimental history, the result of this campaign is considered as a "stalemate" at best and a total defeat at worst.
  • 755-778.M41 The Sabbat Worlds Crusade:
  • 755-780.M41 Fourth Quadrant Rebellion:
  • 800-802.M41 Cleansing of the "Imperium's Bane":
  • 901.M41-913.M41 The Badab War:
  • 941-942.M41 The Second War for Armageddon:
  • 995-999.M41 The 13th Black Crusade:

Chain of Command

Commander Lune

Acting Commander Lune Crackham with his official attire, which he wears during "Redemptions" and when he is on Holy Terra.

Even though a mysterious arm of The Imperium, Commander Lune Crackham is the "Acting Leader" of The Crescent Elites. Lune is a respected leader but it is not entirely confirmed whom he reports to, with this fact being a secret Lune must hide. However, it is suspected that he reports either directly to Lord Solar, or Lord Commander Militant of various Segmentae, depending on the place The Crescent Elites are deployed. Sergeant Major Carl is also the second-in-command of the regiment, leading the shells in Lune's absence. Apart from them and the "official" chain of command, there are only guesses related about their chain of command.


By Them

"The dagger is small, yet deadly. Effective, yet silent. Strong, yet unseen. We are the dagger of The Emperor! We are the ones who silence his foes!"
―Lune Crackham, rallying his troops.

About Them

"We know The Crescent Elites well. Their discipline and skills are impressive. They are masters of stealth and secrecy, yet when they fight, they hold their ground like no other guardsmen. This bravery and their will to protect The Imperium has earned our respect and I would want no other guardsmen than The Crescent Elites to aid us in our efforts."
―Lord-Protector Kür-Shad, Chapter Master of Turquoise Protectors.

Feel free to add your own!


  • The Crescent formation is a fighting strategy that exists in our timeline which was used during many important battles. There are various types of it under names like "Crescent tactic" or "Pincer movement".
  • The term "Cursed Warp!" was a famous slang used by Alexius Kazanov, which mostly continued on to be used by Lune, Miri and almost all of The Crescent Elites.